(Funeral Director’s Charges)
From £1950
A Funeral your way; a bespoke service tailored to your wishes without compromise.
Your loved one is transferred into our care and we offer fully all the options which are open to you to create a funeral, which reflects your loved one’s spiritual wishes or faith. This can include services at home, in a church, chapel, venue, private or natural burial ground or crematorium. Services can be based at a number of venues during a single day, or over the course of a few days or weeks and refreshments.
Personality and interests can be included to build a service based on a loved one’s life and a full choice of coffins will be considered from traditional to eco-friendly or colourful. It is also possible to consider alternative funeral vehicles and trends.
We will help you consider your wishes and offer a full written estimate prior to the funeral. We will help you book a time and date to suit all parties.
01550 720636 / 01558 824344